We are looking for the sellers with a good CVV/NO_CVV material! The tox for sellers is 8CAA8351668DE37EA881DF092DC85531F77B27693B75FD672599B1153CB5DA3D9491BC97C97B

Our service is not responsible for the information about the cardholder: address, city, state, zip code, phone, ext, ssn, mmn, name, etc.
Our service does NOT refund money from the account balance.
The service does NOT refund money for cards marked as valid on our checker.
The service does NOT refund funds on NO REFUND cards.

Our store is not responsible for the balance on the card.

This is the day we changed the way to refund money for dead card. Now you may refund after purchasing instead of during transaction. Below the short instruction how to make that:

  1. Buy the cards from basket as usual. You may refund money only purchasing from basket. Warning: you cannot make refund for card that has been purchased by click-once way.
  2. Go to my cards page after purchasing and you may see the card list on page top where you may select card to validate and refund if it's dead.
  3. Click on "Check" button for specified card and you go to special page where you may read and copy card data to check that. We will have the specified period time when you will be have ability to make refund of this card. Please follow the timer. If you don't refund in this period this card will be marked automatically as "Approved by User". You cannot make refund if validation period is expired.
  4. If you press on Refund button the system checks card in CC checker and refund money if it will be declined.
  5. If the checker approves the card it marks as "Approved by CC checker" and make a charge $1.
  6. If you don't agree with this status you may press on "Challenge" button and this card will be consider by admins in manual mode.

We are not responsible for BIN mismatch. Our store connected with up to date BIN database but to be sure on 100% please check BINs manually.

Warning! The refund actions are limited and depend on how many cards you purchased and how much money you spent. If your limit is exceeded you should just purchase new cards to raise your quota.